Classroom sneak peek… sort of!

I have been posting sneak peeks of my classroom here and there on Instagram and Facebook. I am not yet ready for my full tour. I still have a few more things to do. I pulled a muscle in my hip/upper leg last week. Not sure how or when I did it, but it put me out of commission for about a week. After two visits to the chiropractor and multiple hours on the heating pad, I am feeling better. Not 100% but better! So, when you’re sitting on your butt, nothing better to do than create TPT products! More of that to come, but first my classroom sneak peek!

Here are my classroom jobs that I got from Angeline Stewart and it was editable! I created the numbers and you can download them free here. The jobs I have along with the description are listed below. I LOVE having many jobs in the classroom. It makes my job much easier when students’ take responsibility and take care of things. I don’t change my jobs often and many times the kids don’t even notice.

  • Computer Manager– This is the student that ensures my laptops are plugged in and charging after every class leaves. I definitely do not want to hear about a kid whining that their laptop has died and they just got into my class.
  • Table Inspector- This student walks around at the end of every class and ensures that the desks are nice and neat and has only the proper things in their desks. In my case, they should have math textbooks on the left and math workbooks on the right. Nothing else should be in their desk. This person also makes sure that my table bins have all of my belongings in them. If not, the entire table must either find the missing items or owe me recess.
  • Librarian- Since we have a library club on campus, I usually elect a student in the library club to re-shelve my books and keep them neat and orderly.
  • Test Shield Passer- This student obviously passes out test shields to each student before a test. I shouldn’t have to remind them, they should remember.
  • Floor Police- This student makes sure there is no trash on the floor before we switch classes.
  • Dress Code Checker- This job is more for my homeroom. This student checks uniforms for me in the morning because I always forget.
  • Agenda Checker- This student stamps the agendas of all of my students who do not get their conduct moved at the end of the day. I collect the ones who did and mark their conducts accordingly in their agendas.
  • Substitute- This students completes the job of any other student who has a job and is absent. They are also in charge of letting a substitute know where my substitute binder is with all of my info.
  • Attendance Clerk- This student lets me know who is absent at the start of each class.
  • Garbage Patrol- This student empties garbage cans at the end of the class.
  • Teacher’s Assistant- This student runs my errands, passes things out, and often reminds me of things I tell them to! 🙂
  • ID Manager- Obviously this student hands out ID’s in the morning and picks them up in the afternoons.

I know, I know, it sounds like a lot. Many teachers with experience tell me I’m crazy and this is too much BUT it works. It has worked for me. It is amazing when I have students packing up, one student stamping agendas, one emptying trash, another checking tables, another checking the floor, and another picking up IDs. All while this is going on I can just monitor. They learn to do it on their own or they lose their job. If I have to remind them, they get fired. They quickly learn that they have to do these jobs or loose the privilege.

Here are a few of my new products I’ve been creating since I was injured!! Check them out!

Here are some Chevron calendars I created to help you plan ahead!! They are completely editable!

I had a request to group all of my newsletters together into this Mega Chevron Newsletter Bundle. As usual, all of my newsletters are completely editable.

I created Chevron Monthly Classroom Newsletters that are editable as well! These are possibly my favorite!

Below are my newest Editable Chalkboard Teacher Toolbox Labels!! If you have any requests for color schemes/patterns, please let me know!!
Yellow, Orange, and Red– I like this would be cute in a Hollywood Themed Classroom! 
My RECENT product was an idea from a follower!! Such a good idea as well!!!
It is an editable newsletter that you can customize with all of your information for Open House and Meet the Teacher night! It includes many different categories of things that can help the parents and students get to know you better!! All of my clipart can be changed into your style! Links to the fonts used are in the document as well!
If you want to know how I create such AMAZING product previews, check out Schroeder’s Shenanigans in Second’s post on how to make awesome previews in minutes!
Hoping to be back this weekend with a classroom tour!! We’ll see how my leg feels by Friday!!
For now, I am going to relax on my last day of summer vacation, which also happens to be my birthday! Back to work Wednesday for three days work of meetings! I get to welcome my new group of kiddies Monday!!
Have a great week!!

Meet Kristi

Hey friend! I’m Kristi! A 5th grade teacher, wife, and mom from South Louisiana. I help teachers improve their planning and data documentation by utilizing digital planners!

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