Who says teacher life has to be chaotic with endless meetings, deadlines, and dates to remember? This digital teacher planner is a must-have for any teacher looking to keep their life in the palms of their hands!
1. Eco-friendly
Teachers often make the switch to paperless classrooms for many reasons. Most school districts limit paper use per teacher in order to conserve funds. This often leaves teachers purchasing their own paper. When selecting a planner, teachers want a combination of cost-efficient, customizable, and visually appealing. With the world moving toward paperless options, digital planning is the newest way to stay organized on the go. At every faculty meeting, my principal provides us with an agenda to take notes on. The agenda contains important information. No longer do I need to keep this paper. I use the CamScanner app (Free) to scan the agenda and insert it into the notes section of the planner. With the paper inside of my digital planner, I can access it whenever I need to and recycle my unneeded paper. I am also not using dozens and dozens of sheets of paper by printing and binding my planner. With the google slide version, I can link my lesson plans to my planner. This saves the hassle of printing out lesson plans. Sometimes my principal requests our pacing for the month so she can schedule our formal observations. No longer do I need to print out a calendar. I can simply share one page of my planner using the good notes app. (Printing is available from the good notes app if needed.)
Export and share pages one at a time!

2. Portable and saves space!
In the last few years, I have used a Happy Planner. I loved how customizable it was. I quickly bought the coordinating hole punch and kept it in my classroom for instances of paper that needed to be put in the proper place. The ease of grabbing my planner and laptop when I needed to attend a meeting was the most appealing to me. With a paper planner, I often purchased or created more pages to go inside the planner to help with the organization. My planner would become increasingly heavy throughout the year. Having a young child, it was important for me to have access to my lesson plans and other vital information for emergency purposes. With a digital teacher planner, my iPad is all that is needed. I can simply put my iPad in my purse and leave for the day! Just as simple as I would grab my Happy Planner to run to a meeting, I can grab my iPad. No longer, was my laptop needed.
One more thing…
Did I mention that the Goodnotes app also syncs with your phone so you can access your planner quickly on your phone if your iPad is not around? WOW! I am also under the impression that the Xodo app Notesehelf App, or the Metamoji app will do the same if synced using the cloud!
3. Not Messy & Easily Move Things Around
Customizing my planner is always one of my favorite activities. My handwriting is not my favorite so preparing my planner often involved a lot of designing and printing. A lot of time and money was spent making it exactly what I needed. I love the ease of moving things around on the digital planner.
-Did your roster change in the middle of the first grading period?
Not a problem! Quickly select student names and copy and paste where you would like them.
-Schedule change again?
No big deal! Simply delete your old schedule and insert your new one!
-Just told two minutes before class that you need to start tracking data during math groups?
Cool! Use one of the pre-made checklist pages, copy and paste your roster using the lasso tool, and start tracking that data in MINUTES!
-Want to insert your Bitmoji into any page your heart desires?
Congrats, you are just as extra as I am! This digital planner makes it super easy to do so! Watch the videos below to see how I edit my planner to make it my own!
Note: I use an iPad Pro and Apple pencil. If your device supports the apps listed or another PDF annotation device this planner should be perfect for you! Of course, editing on google slides is always an option!
4. Easily customized
As you can tell by reading this blog post so far, I like my stuff to be cute, organized, and accessible! I have worked hard creating this planner and believe it can easily be customized to meet your needs. I like to customize it by adding cute stickers and other things while I’m watching Netflix!
What’s included in this digital teacher planner:
✨Included with this product:
- DATED Digital Planner to be used on a device with aPDF annotation app
- DATED Google Slides Planner to use in Google Slides (COMING SOON)
- UNDATED Digital Planner to be used on a device with aPDF annotation app
- UNDATED Google Slides Planner to use in Google Slides (COMING SOON)
- Video Tutorials
- Yearly Updates
- Digital Sticker Book: 350+ pre-cropped academic, holiday, lifestyle, and blank stickers. Choose between the individual image files or a sticker book good notes file, ready to lasso, copy and paste.
- Clickable tabs and index
- Endless Forms
5. Cheaper in the long run
In the summer teachers often stalk the Michaels sales announcements so they can quickly grab their planner on sale. Even with the sale percentage, the price can escalate quickly. The extra pages to write notes, the must-have stickers, and in my case, the expander rings since I would add any papers to avoid clutter. Going digital will cost much less in the long run. The price of the planner and the app will seem insignificant after a year or two of note having to purchase and carry a heavy planner!
Not sure where to begin? No worries! I have numerous tutorials on my Youtube channel! Including this tutorial that show how to get started with Goodnotes in under 3 minutes!
Edit your digital planner in google slides!
Interested in editing this planning in Google Slides?
Check out the video below!
The perfect way to combine your Teacher Life and Personal life! Build your own Digital Teacher Life Planner!
Are you looking for a planner that is not dated for a specific school year?
Check out an undated teacher planner!

Looking for more of a lifestyle planner?
Check out my Digital Life Planner!
Still not convinced about going paperless?
Check out my blog post on using a paper planner! Or click on the image below to view my paper teacher planner!